IFS and Altogether You with Jenna Riemersma

Episode: 70

On today’s episode I talk with Jenna Riemersma, author of the book, “Altogether You: Experiencing personal and spiritual transformation with Internal Family Systems Therapy.”

Jenna states, “IFS helps deliver what my faith tradition promises.” 

I love the concept of the “Spiritualizing part” who uses God language but has a feeling of moving away and not moving towards.

We talk about Self being the God image inside us all, and the idea of thinking about sin as the burden of trauma.

Jenna talks about restoration; the restoration of our parts with our Self.

She talks directly to you, dear listener. If you come from a faith background and have parts who think IFS is a wacky cult. If you are here to talk IFS and have been wounded by the church. This episode- and her incredible book- are for you.

Jenna’s website- here 

Dick’s interview with Jenna- here (This is AMAZING!)

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At the One Inside
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