Episode: 92

On todays episode I chat with Kim Daniels, Level 2 IFS Therapist. Kim is a Clinical Psychologist, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, and Emotional Eating Coach who’s on a mission: to create an army of women who never deny themselves the food they love, who treat themselves with the compassion and respect they deserve, and who value themselves and their bodies.  And who never.  Diet.  Again.

Doesn’t that sound A- MA- ZING?!

I so enjoyed our chat about all things Intuitive Eating and IFS. 

We check in until about the 11 minute mark and then jump into all the good stuff:

diet culture

set point theory

health at every size

polarized parts (restrictive and overeating)

why diets do not work- biologically

legacy burdens and messages from culture and family

At about the 30 minutes mark we dive a bit more into Intuitive Eating:

body food congruence

moral meaning and shame around food

‘play food’

And, a lot about working with all of our parts


Kim has a group coaching program called Food and Body Freedom that’s starting in June–the link is  https://www.subscribepage.com/foodfreedom_copy.

She has an email challenge called the Intentional Eating Challenge–the link is https://bit.ly/intentionallyeat

And she has a free E-Course called Diets:  Why They Don’t Work and How to Quit Them for Good.  That link is https://bit.ly/exitingdietculture

Her website is yourweightisnotyourworth.com, and you can connect with her on Instagram @kimdanielspsyd. 

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