Episode: 91

On todays episode, I chat with Nic Wildes about ‘Is Gender a Part?’ Nic spoke on this topic at the 2018 IFS Annual Conference and that is where we met -also when I decided my next step was to start a podcast 🙂
We talk -Nic is wise and I ramble…- about:
Nic’s story
All of our own experiences of gender
“Who can I be in what spaces”
Gender messages we ALL get as kids
Laws and Violence against Transgender women
Pronouns (The trauma of being misrecognized)
Trans Visibility (In History and Movies)
Camp for kids
Get curious about our own experience with gender
‘There is something wrong with me.’
Nic can be reached at [email protected].
To find out more about Nic and the meditation we discuss go to:
The camp info:
Camp Aranu’tiq of Harbor Camps for Transgender Youth (camparanutiq.org)
The podcast we talk about:
The Laverne Cox Show: Moving Beyond the Gender Binary w/ ALOK on Apple Podcasts
The documentary, Disclosure:
THE FILM — DISCLOSURE: Documentary by Sam Feder and Amy Scholder (disclosurethemovie.com)
Their Group Practice: