Reimagining Healing with Ruth Culver

Episode: 199

My book, The One Inside: 30 Days to Your Authentic Self, is available wherever you get books. Or on amazon here:

On today’s podcast, I chat with Ruth Culver, a Level 3 trained and certified IFS practitioner. We look at Ruth’s Survive and Thrive Spiral, a visual map that connects the nervous system and IFS in a way that just makes sense. We also talk about her work with IFS Constellations, a group process that brings parts work into a shared, somatic experience, and Drawing into Self, a creative way to explore and externalize parts through colors, lines, and shapes.

Key Takeaways:

  • “Parts all have stories, don’t they?” Ruth explains how mapping parts onto her Survive and Thrive Spiral can help people unblend and understand their nervous system responses.

  • How can we recognize if we’re in Flop, Fix, or Flow? Ruth introduces these simple but powerful words to track nervous system states and move toward Self Energy.

  • We can be in multiple nervous system states at the same time. 

  • Ruth describes how different parts may be in fixing mode, collapsing mode, or Self Energy mode—all at once.

  • How does IFS Constellations allow for deeper healing? Ruth shares how this group process creates profound moments of witnessing, connection, and transformation.

  • What happens when we let parts express themselves through drawing? Ruth walks us through Drawing into Self, a process that invites parts to communicate beyond words.

Favorite Quote:

“So, to me, the healing process is story-based, and it is imaginative. At the core of healing is a reimagining. And that’s what we can do with story.” – Ruth Culver

About Ruth:  

Ruth Culver is a Level 3 trained & Certified IFS Practitioner based in Brighton UK, working with adolescents, adults and groups in private practice. After 25 years in charity event management, she burned out, re-trained as a hypnotherapist then found IFS in 2017. Her passion for embodiment and externalisation has led to 3 IFS integrations: 1. The Survive/Thrive Spiral: 2. IFS Constellations, and 3. Drawing into Self. 

Episode Sponsor: Pisgah Coaching Institute

Check out The One Inside Self-Led merch at The One Inside store

Jeff Schrum co-produces The One Inside Podcast. He is an IFS Level 1 practitioner.  

Visual Clips of some podcast episodes are available on The One Inside’s YouTube channel.

Tammy is grateful for Jack Reardon who created music for the podcast. Jack is a graduate of Derek Scott’s IFS Stepping Stones Program.  



If you are interested in sponsoring an episode or two of The One Inside Podcast please contact Tammy at [email protected]

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