Episode: 110

Joan Ryan and I are spending the next 6 episodes discussing IFS and the Enneagram. These will be weekly episodes that are around 30-minutes.

Here is an outline of all the episodes:

1. Introduction to the Integration

2. Centers of Intelligence

3. Heart Center Types and IFS

4. Head Center Types and IFS

5. Body Center Types and IFS

6. Higher Qualities as Access Points to Self Energy

We will be running a 6 week Course starting in March—- More details to come!

Here is the original podcast Joan did about the Enneagram: IFS and The Enneagram with Joan Ryan – The One Inside-by Tammy Sollenberger

Check out Joan’s website:  Creative Collaborations

Purchase Joan’s typing cards: Help Me Find My Enneagram Type — Creative Collaborations


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Let me know how you are! I LOVE hearing from you.

At the One Inside

2 thoughts on “Exploring the Integration of IFS and the Enneagram with Joan Ryan Part 3”

  1. As a 3w4, also working with IFS for my own growth and development, I resonated a lot with the conversation here and got a few new insights. Thanks!

  2. Another excellent interaction with Joan Ryan. I enjoy how your 3 parts and here 9 parts are playing. Wonderful to have a real live Heart type providing personal examples. The series is building nicely.

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